- What is .NET?
- What is the CLR?
- The FCL
- Primitive Types
- Namespaces
- Statements and Expressions
- Operators
- Constructors
- Reference Types
- Object Oriented Programming
- Inheritance
- Access Modifiers
- Abstract Classes
- Virtual Members
- Static Classes
- Sealed Classes
- Partial Classes
- Reference Types
- Value Types
- The struct
- Testing Reference Types
- Testing Value Types
- Passing Parameters
- Strings
- Boxing
- The enum
- Defining Types
- Interfaces
- Arrays
- Assemblies
- Methods
- Method Overloading
- Fields
- Properties
- Events
- Events – Delegates
- Events – Subscribing
- Events – Publishing
- Indexers
- Operator Overloading
- Conversion Operators
- Branching
- Switching
- Looping
- Using foreach
- Jumping
- Returning and Yielding
- Throwing Exceptions
- Built – in Exceptions
- Handling Exceptions
- Chaining Catch Blocks
- Finally
- Re – throwing Exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
- Garbage Collection
- Threads
- Async
- Parallel
- Reflection
- Attributes
- Custom Attributes
- COM Interop
- PInvoke
- Why Generics?
- Building Collections Without Generics
- Generic Collections
- Generic Parameters
- Generic Constraints
- Generic Methods
- The default Keyword
- Generic Interfaces
- Generic Delegates
- Variance
- Extension Methods
- Extensions and Lambdas
- Lambdas and Funcs
- Funcs and Expressions
- Why Dynamic?
- Using Dynamic Types
- Excel Automation
- The DLR
- ExpandoObject
- DynamicObject
- Calling Ruby
- Primitive Procedural Preoccupations
- The Big Encapsulation
- Little Abstractions
- The Inheritance Check
- A Clean Interface
- Directional Dependencies
- Prime Abstraction
- A Higher Calling
- Lazy Code
- Timing and Retries
- Partial Application and Currying
- Asynch and Parallel
- Multithreding
- File I/O
- Resource management with try/finally/using
- Using XML serialization
- Introducing assembly resolution
- Deploying dependent assembly probing
- Using a config file to control probing
- ArrayList
- Hashtable
- SortedList
- Stack and Queue
- Introduction to Windows Form
- Form Controls
- User Define Controls
- Connected Architecture
- Disconnected Architecture
- Working with Transaction
- Windows Application using WPF
- Data Binding
- Data Template
- Styles
- Commands
- Web Application using ASP.NET
- ASP.NET Architecture
- Control – based Programming
- User Interface Elements
- Deployment
- Web Sites, Applications, and Virtual Directories in IIS
- ASP.NET Diagnostics and Health Monitoring
- Data Binding
- State Management
- Validation
- Caching
- IIS 6 & IIS7 URL Authorization
- Forms authentication
- Role – based authorization
- Trimming site maps with roles
- Config file encryption
- ASP.NET Membership
- Resources and Internationalization
- HTTP Pipeline
- Custom Controls
- Web Parts
- Web Services
- ASP.NET Ajax Introduction
- ASP.NET Ajax Server Controls
- ASP.NET Ajax Server Data
- ASP.NET Ajax Client side Library
- ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit
- Web Application using MVC Pattern
- Razor View
- Controller
- Model
- Introducing the Entity Framework
- Code First Approach
- WCF Configuration
- Hosting WCF Services in Windows Services
- Hosting WCF Services in IIS
- Building RESTful services with WCF
- Introducing Windows Workflow Foundation
- Programming workflows in WF
- Writing custom activities in WF